Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
0 | STOC | ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing | 1969-2012 | 2884 | 121603 | 42.16 |
1 | FOCS | IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science | 1960-2013 | 3086 | 107338 | 34.78 |
2 | LICS | Logic in Computer Science | 1986-2013 | 1345 | 36861 | 27.41 |
3 | Imperial College Workshops | 1973-2011 | 97 | 2611 | 26.92 | |
4 | SODA | ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms | 1990-2012 | 2333 | 50908 | 21.82 |
5 | SOCG | Symposium on Computational Geometry | 1985-2010 | 1310 | 27235 | 20.79 |
6 | CONCUR | International Conference on Concurrency Theory | 1984-2010 | 900 | 17972 | 19.97 |
7 | ICM | International Congress of Mathematicans | 1960-2010 | 450 | 8505 | 18.9 |
8 | CoCo | Structure in Complexity Theory Conference | 1986-2010 | 534 | 8052 | 15.08 |
9 | ICALP | International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming | 1972-2013 | 2510 | 37485 | 14.93 |
10 | CADE | Conference on Automated Deduction | 1979-2010 | 1188 | 17233 | 14.51 |
11 | FSTTCS | Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science | 1984-2012 | 932 | 11517 | 12.36 |
12 | ESA | European Symposium on Algorithms | 1992-2010 | 1010 | 12259 | 12.14 |
13 | IPCO | Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization | 1990-2011 | 488 | 5832 | 11.95 |
14 | CPM | Combinatorial Pattern Matching | 1992-2010 | 530 | 6274 | 11.84 |
15 | APN | Application and Theory of Petri Nets | 1981-2011 | 774 | 8730 | 11.28 |
16 | STACS | Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science | 1984-2011 | 1368 | 15408 | 11.26 |
17 | ALENEX | Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation | 1999-2010 | 194 | 1989 | 10.25 |
18 | GD | Symposium on Graph Drawing | 1980-2010 | 820 | 8339 | 10.17 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
19 | Mobile Agents and Security | 1997-2010 | 20 | 1611 | 80.55 | |
20 | CRYPTO | International Crytology Conference | 1978-2014 | 1259 | 64892 | 51.54 |
21 | S&P | IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy | 1980-2013 | 797 | 38280 | 48.03 |
22 | USENIX Security Symposium | 1963-2014 | 518 | 21477 | 41.46 | |
23 | NDSS | Network and Distributed System Security Symposium | 1993-2015 | 339 | 13108 | 38.67 |
24 | EUROCRYPT | Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques | 1982-2013 | 1163 | 42228 | 36.31 |
25 | CCS | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | 1993-2014 | 1168 | 39277 | 33.63 |
26 | Information Hiding | 1992-2011 | 326 | 8522 | 26.14 | |
27 | CSFW | Computer Security Foundations Workshop | 1988-2014 | 574 | 13468 | 23.46 |
28 | SACMAT | Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies | 1997-2014 | 261 | 5803 | 22.23 |
29 | ASIACRYPT | International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security | 1976-2013 | 724 | 14851 | 20.51 |
30 | AES Candidate Conference | 1998-2013 | 74 | 1468 | 19.84 | |
31 | FSE | Fast Software Encryption | 1645-2012 | 476 | 9317 | 19.57 |
32 | RAID | Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection | 1997-2013 | 302 | 5808 | 19.23 |
33 | NSPW | Workshop on New Security Paradigms | 1993-2012 | 273 | 5072 | 18.58 |
34 | PETS | Privacy Enhancing Technologies | 1994-2011 | 169 | 3062 | 18.12 |
35 | CT-RSA | The Cryptographer's Track at RSA Conference | 2001-2015 | 300 | 4946 | 16.49 |
36 | PKC | Public Key Cryptography | 1992-2014 | 429 | 6956 | 16.21 |
37 | DFRWS | Digital Forensic Research Workshop | 2002-2014 | 26 | 402 | 15.46 |
38 | WPES | Workshop On Privacy In The Electronic Society | 2002-2012 | 150 | 2265 | 15.1 |
39 | Theory of Cryptography | 1990-2013 | 278 | 4051 | 14.57 | |
40 | Financial Cryptography | 1982-2013 | 448 | 6207 | 13.85 | |
41 | DSN | Dependable Systems and Networks | 1999-2013 | 1040 | 13603 | 13.08 |
42 | ESORICS | European Symposium on Research in Computer Security | 1990-2013 | 502 | 6531 | 13.01 |
43 | IMF | IT-Incidents Management & IT-Forensics | 1972-2011 | 152 | 1876 | 12.34 |
44 | ACSAC | Annual Computer Security Applications Conference | 1987-2014 | 926 | 10878 | 11.75 |
45 | ANTS | Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium | 1994-2010 | 355 | 3764 | 10.6 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
46 | MICRO | International Symposium on Microarchitecture | 1972-2010 | 898 | 31477 | 35.05 |
47 | HPCA | International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture | 1995-2014 | 692 | 17445 | 25.21 |
48 | ISCA | International Symposium on Computer Architecture | 1973-2012 | 1342 | 32707 | 24.37 |
49 | ISPD | International Symposium on Physical Design | 1963-2013 | 2702 | 57788 | 21.39 |
50 | ISLPED | International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design | 1994-2013 | 1384 | 22030 | 15.92 |
51 | FCCM | Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines | 1993-2013 | 930 | 13726 | 14.76 |
52 | DAC | Design Automation Conference | 1964-2015 | 9030 | 123019 | 13.62 |
53 | ASYNC | Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems | 1994-2011 | 402 | 5205 | 12.95 |
54 | FPGA | Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays | 1991-2011 | 845 | 10826 | 12.81 |
55 | VTS | IEEE VLSI Test Symposium | 1991-2011 | 1450 | 14565 | 10.04 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
56 | CAV | Computer Aided Verification | 1990-2012 | 1072 | 32739 | 30.54 |
57 | SPIN | International Workshop on Model Checking of Software | 1960-2010 | 644 | 14721 | 22.86 |
58 | TACAS | Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems | 1995-2011 | 670 | 14997 | 22.38 |
59 | Requirements Engineering | 1983-2014 | 407 | 7903 | 19.42 | |
60 | ISMM | International Symposium on Memory Management | 1979-2012 | 231 | 3969 | 17.18 |
61 | ICSE | International Conference on Software Engineering | 1976-2015 | 4692 | 74992 | 15.98 |
62 | VEE | International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments | 2005-2010 | 111 | 1694 | 15.26 |
63 | SAS(WSA) | Static Analysis Symposium/Workshop on Static Analysis | 1991-2011 | 555 | 8348 | 15.04 |
64 | PASTE | Workshop on Program Analysis For Software Tools and Engineering | 1998-2010 | 110 | 1626 | 14.78 |
65 | ESEC | European Software Engineering Conference | 1987-2013 | 690 | 10104 | 14.64 |
66 | WCRE | Working Conference on Reverse Engineering | 1992-2013 | 643 | 8942 | 13.91 |
67 | RE | IEEE Int. Conf. on Requirements Engineering | 1992-2010 | 104 | 1423 | 13.68 |
68 | ISSTA | International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis | 1991-2013 | 357 | 4750 | 13.31 |
69 | School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems | 2003-2010 | 79 | 1015 | 12.85 | |
70 | VMCAI | Verification, Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation | 1998-2011 | 278 | 3450 | 12.41 |
71 | ICSM | International Conference on Software Maintenance | 1983-2014 | 1489 | 17519 | 11.77 |
72 | FMCAD | Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design | 1992-2010 | 347 | 4047 | 11.66 |
73 | FoSSaCS | Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structure | 1998-2012 | 400 | 4513 | 11.28 |
74 | Generative Programming and Component Engineering | 2002-2012 | 226 | 2497 | 11.05 | |
75 | ITC | International Test Conference | 1970-2012 | 4472 | 49144 | 10.99 |
76 | FASE | Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering | 1988-2013 | 399 | 4206 | 10.54 |
77 | FM | World Congress on Formal Methods | 1978-2011 | 781 | 8223 | 10.53 |
78 | SOFTVIS | Software Visualization | 1995-2010 | 185 | 1938 | 10.48 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
79 | AE | Artificial Evolution | 1979-2010 | 215 | 20796 | 96.73 |
80 | ALIFE | Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems | 1987-2010 | 41 | 1691 | 41.24 |
81 | Foundations of Genetic Algorithms | 1989-2011 | 209 | 6518 | 31.19 | |
82 | KR | Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | 1980-2010 | 774 | 22700 | 29.33 |
83 | ECP | European Conference an Planning | 1996-2010 | 84 | 2429 | 28.92 |
84 | JSAI Workshops | 1969-2010 | 552 | 14965 | 27.11 | |
85 | EC | ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce | 1988-2010 | 477 | 11309 | 23.71 |
86 | ECAI(Workshop) | European Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 1994-2012 | 65 | 1540 | 23.69 |
87 | FOIS | International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems | 1995-2012 | 166 | 3830 | 23.07 |
88 | IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 1969-2013 | 5322 | 114563 | 21.53 |
89 | AAAI | National Conference on Artificial Intelligence | 1979-2014 | 5398 | 112397 | 20.82 |
90 | AAMAS(Agents) | Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems/International Conference on Autonomous Agents | 1997-2014 | 1664 | 32974 | 19.82 |
91 | SAB | Simulation of Adaptive Behavior | 1988-2010 | 361 | 5532 | 15.32 |
92 | PPSN | Parallel Problem Solving from Nature | 1990-2014 | 1068 | 15935 | 14.92 |
93 | RSS | Robotics: Science and Systems | 2000-2014 | 180 | 2625 | 14.58 |
94 | IROS | International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems | 1968-2013 | 154 | 2200 | 14.29 |
95 | ICAPS(AIPS) | International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling/Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems | 1990-2010 | 623 | 8716 | 13.99 |
96 | ISMIR | International Symposium/Conference on Music Information Retrieval | 2000-2010 | 774 | 10633 | 13.74 |
97 | ISRR | International Symposium of Robotics Research | 1983-2013 | 136 | 1833 | 13.48 |
98 | EKAW | Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management | 1988-2010 | 420 | 5160 | 12.29 |
99 | Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing | 2001-2011 | 348 | 4252 | 12.22 | |
100 | Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization | 1993-2011 | 330 | 3881 | 11.76 | |
101 | K-CAP | International Conference on Knowledge Capture | 2001-2011 | 229 | 2623 | 11.45 |
102 | ECAL | European Conference on Artificial Life | 1991-2011 | 666 | 7454 | 11.19 |
103 | ILP | International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming | 1992-2010 | 449 | 5001 | 11.14 |
104 | ICRA | International Conference on Robotics and Automation | 1962-2014 | 17208 | 181823 | 10.57 |
105 | DLog | Description Logics | 1991-2010 | 620 | 6350 | 10.24 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
106 | ICML | International Conference on Machine Learning | 1984-2013 | 2457 | 81514 | 33.18 |
107 | UAI | Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence | 1978-2013 | 1573 | 37148 | 23.62 |
108 | COLT | Computational Learning Theory | 1986-2011 | 937 | 20825 | 22.23 |
109 | ECML | The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases | 1987-2013 | 826 | 14187 | 17.18 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
110 | KDD | Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining | 1988-2013 | 2063 | 69563 | 33.72 |
111 | SDM | SIAM International Conference on Data Mining | 2000-2011 | 708 | 9095 | 12.85 |
112 | DOLAP | International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP | 1998-2011 | 177 | 1830 | 10.34 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
113 | SIGIR | Research and Development in Information Retrieval | 1971-2012 | 2718 | 72135 | 26.54 |
114 | DL | Digital Libraries | 1970-2010 | 350 | 6543 | 18.69 |
115 | TREC | Text REtrieval Conference | 1968-2011 | 1432 | 23763 | 16.59 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
116 | NIPS | Neural Information Processing Systems | 1987-2013 | 4284 | 114234 | 26.67 |
117 | ACL | Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics | 1972-2013 | 3214 | 68708 | 21.38 |
118 | Natural Language Processing | 1971-2010 | 169 | 2754 | 16.3 | |
119 | NAACL | North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics | 1991-2013 | 1174 | 17289 | 14.73 |
120 | AMTA | Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas | 1993-2011 | 227 | 2274 | 10.02 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
121 | I3D | ACM Symposium on interactive 3D graphics | 1986-2010 | 423 | 13167 | 31.13 |
122 | SIGGRAPH | Annual Conference on Computer Graphics | 1973-2014 | 3476 | 101550 | 29.21 |
123 | SCA | Symposium on Computer Animation | 2002-2010 | 259 | 7039 | 27.18 |
124 | GI | Graphics Interface | 1960-2014 | 700 | 13443 | 19.2 |
125 | NPAR | Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering | 2000-2010 | 137 | 2307 | 16.84 |
126 | Eurographics | 1980-2014 | 236 | 3821 | 16.19 | |
127 | VR | Virtual Reality | 1986-2010 | 463 | 6534 | 14.11 |
128 | Advances in Computer Graphics Hardware | 1986-2010 | 174 | 2196 | 12.62 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
129 | ECCV | European Conference on Computer Vision | 1989-2014 | 2145 | 58805 | 27.41 |
130 | CVPR | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition | 1983-2014 | 7713 | 169950 | 22.03 |
131 | FGR | IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition | 1994-2011 | 972 | 20270 | 20.85 |
132 | BMVC | British Machine Vision Conference | 1990-2013 | 1521 | 16785 | 11.04 |
133 | WACV | Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision | 1992-2012 | 755 | 7657 | 10.14 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
134 | CSCW | Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work | 1986-2015 | 1031 | 36739 | 35.63 |
135 | ECSCW | European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work | 1989-2011 | 276 | 8601 | 31.16 |
136 | UIST | User Interface Software and Technology | 1988-2014 | 824 | 25108 | 30.47 |
137 | CHI | Computer Human Interaction | 1981-2014 | 8315 | 131977 | 15.87 |
138 | ISWC | International Symposium on Wearable Computers | 1997-2011 | 575 | 8170 | 14.21 |
139 | DIS | Designing Interactive Systems | 1994-2014 | 447 | 6257 | 14.0 |
140 | GROUP | International Conference on Supporting Group Work | 1991-2012 | 495 | 6473 | 13.08 |
141 | TLDI | Types In Languages Design And Implementation | 2003-2011 | 48 | 540 | 11.25 |
142 | IUI | Intelligent User Interfaces | 1988-2012 | 1122 | 12592 | 11.22 |
143 | UM | User Modeling | 1990-2010 | 459 | 4760 | 10.37 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
144 | MM | ACM Multimedia Conference | 1992-2014 | 3338 | 45881 | 13.75 |
145 | Multimedia Information Retrieval | 1995-2010 | 248 | 2847 | 11.48 | |
146 | Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases | 1974-2010 | 6781 | 77341 | 11.41 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
147 | MOBICOM | Mobile Computing and Networking | 1995-2014 | 939 | 83855 | 89.3 |
148 | WMCSA | Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications | 1994-2010 | 223 | 12457 | 55.86 |
149 | MobiHoc | Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing | 1997-2010 | 454 | 25097 | 55.28 |
150 | SIGCOMM | ACM SIGCOMM Conference | 1969-2014 | 947 | 49979 | 52.78 |
151 | VTC | Vehicular Technology Conference | 1963-2012 | 1085 | 49436 | 45.56 |
152 | MobiSys | International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services | 2003-2013 | 243 | 7916 | 32.58 |
153 | PIMRC | IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications | 1993-2013 | 46 | 1436 | 31.22 |
154 | INFOCOM | IEEE INFOCOM | 1982-2013 | 6555 | 190499 | 29.06 |
155 | DIAL-M | Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications | 1998-2010 | 120 | 2974 | 24.78 |
156 | UbiComp(HUC) | Ubiquitous Computing/Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing | 1999-2014 | 476 | 11617 | 24.41 |
157 | Pervasive Computing | 2002-2012 | 235 | 5140 | 21.87 | |
158 | IMC | Internet Measurement Conference | 1996-2014 | 261 | 5600 | 21.46 |
159 | IPSN | Information Processing in Sensor Networks | 2002-2012 | 774 | 16206 | 20.94 |
160 | ICNP | International Conference on Network Protocols | 1993-2012 | 753 | 15371 | 20.41 |
161 | GLOBECOM | Global Telecommunications Conference | 1965-2010 | 251 | 5024 | 20.02 |
162 | ISCN | International Symposium on Computer Networks | 1972-2010 | 143 | 2405 | 16.82 |
163 | European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks | 2004-2011 | 205 | 2883 | 14.06 | |
164 | IWQoS | International Workshop on Quality of Service | 1991-2012 | 530 | 7329 | 13.83 |
165 | CEAS | Conference on Email and Anti-Spam | 2004-2011 | 152 | 1990 | 13.09 |
166 | Passive and Active Network Measurement | 2004-2011 | 198 | 2502 | 12.64 | |
167 | SECON | Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks | 2004-2011 | 571 | 6178 | 10.82 |
168 | MobiDE | ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access | 1999-2010 | 121 | 1256 | 10.38 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
169 | WWW | World Wide Web Conference Series | 1990-2014 | 2921 | 60813 | 20.82 |
170 | Hypertext | ACM Conference on Hypertext | 1987-2013 | 930 | 16324 | 17.55 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
171 | IPTPS | Peer-to-Peer Systems | 2001-2011 | 144 | 9291 | 64.52 |
172 | NSDI | Networked Systems Design and Implementation | 2004-2013 | 290 | 10095 | 34.81 |
173 | JSSPP | Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing | 1994-2010 | 213 | 6589 | 30.93 |
174 | Heterogeneous Computing Workshop | 1979-2012 | 133 | 3398 | 25.55 | |
175 | PODC | Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing | 1982-2011 | 1520 | 35593 | 23.42 |
176 | SPDP | Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing | 1984-2010 | 546 | 11484 | 21.03 |
177 | SPAA | ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures | 1989-2011 | 930 | 16754 | 18.02 |
178 | HPDC | IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing | 1992-2011 | 1008 | 18089 | 17.95 |
179 | ICDCS | International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems | 1981-2014 | 2363 | 41631 | 17.62 |
180 | PPoPP | Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming | 1991-2012 | 313 | 5500 | 17.57 |
181 | ICS | International Conference on Supercomputing | 1978-2015 | 1177 | 19737 | 16.77 |
182 | Middleware(ODP) | International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms and Open Distributed Processing/Open Distributed Processing | 2000-2011 | 608 | 8469 | 13.93 |
183 | Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks | 2001-2011 | 364 | 5007 | 13.76 | |
184 | Grid Computing | 2000-2012 | 432 | 5809 | 13.45 | |
185 | SRDS | Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems | 1981-2013 | 844 | 10534 | 12.48 |
186 | SC | Supercomputing Conference | 1988-2012 | 3065 | 38213 | 12.47 |
187 | PACT | International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques | 1995-2013 | 804 | 9918 | 12.34 |
188 | DISC(WDAG) | Workshop on Distributed Algorithms/International Symposium on Distributed Computing | 1987-2010 | 705 | 8378 | 11.88 |
189 | IISWC | IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization | 1998-2012 | 250 | 2967 | 11.87 |
190 | LCPC | Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing | 1989-2014 | 690 | 7947 | 11.52 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
191 | OSDI | Operating Systems Design and Implementation | 1993-2012 | 237 | 15627 | 65.94 |
192 | SOSP | ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles | 1967-2011 | 413 | 21284 | 51.54 |
193 | USENIX | USENIX Technical Conference | 1964-2010 | 1474 | 41092 | 27.88 |
194 | USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies | 2002-2012 | 219 | 5877 | 26.84 | |
195 | ASPLOS | Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems | 1982-2013 | 334 | 8570 | 25.66 |
196 | NOSSDAV | Network and Operating System Support for Digital Audio and Video | 1990-2013 | 529 | 12481 | 23.59 |
197 | HotOS(WWOS) | Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems (now HotOS)/Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems | 1989-2013 | 351 | 7785 | 22.18 |
198 | SIGMETRICS | Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems | 1973-2013 | 589 | 11740 | 19.93 |
199 | EUROSYS | EuroSys Conference | 2006-2012 | 178 | 3351 | 18.83 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
200 | VLDB | Very Large Data Bases | 1975-2015 | 2723 | 120947 | 44.42 |
201 | PODS | Symposium on Principles of Database Systems | 1982-2010 | 1106 | 45227 | 40.89 |
202 | CIDR | Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research | 2002-2013 | 161 | 5638 | 35.02 |
203 | SIGMOD | International Conference on Management of Data | 1970-2014 | 2131 | 67045 | 31.46 |
204 | ICDT | International Conference on Database Theory | 1986-2011 | 439 | 11556 | 26.32 |
205 | WebDB | International Workshop on the Web and Databases | 1998-2010 | 230 | 5668 | 24.64 |
206 | ISWC | International Semantic Web Conference | 2001-2012 | 1205 | 22129 | 18.36 |
207 | ICDE | International Conference on Data Engineering | 1984-2014 | 4014 | 67388 | 16.79 |
208 | EDBT | Extending Database Technology | 1988-2014 | 891 | 11666 | 13.09 |
209 | CoopIS | Conference on Cooperative Information Systems | 1993-2010 | 566 | 7339 | 12.97 |
210 | WIDM | Web Information and Data Management | 1998-2012 | 197 | 2220 | 11.27 |
211 | CIKM | International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | 1992-2012 | 2636 | 28621 | 10.86 |
212 | ESWS | European Semantic Web Symposium / Conference | 2004-2013 | 581 | 6193 | 10.66 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
213 | Monterey Workshop | 1968-2010 | 124 | 12197 | 98.36 | |
214 | SenSys | Conference On Embedded Networked Sensor Systems | 1982-2014 | 628 | 22783 | 36.28 |
215 | CHES | Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems | 1965-2010 | 427 | 11208 | 26.25 |
216 | RTSS | IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium | 1980-2011 | 1188 | 28170 | 23.71 |
217 | RTAS | IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium | 1995-2010 | 362 | 7250 | 20.03 |
218 | Hybrid Systems | 1990-2010 | 778 | 12859 | 16.53 | |
219 | ASM | Workshops on Abstract State Machines | 1960-2010 | 247 | 3326 | 13.47 |
220 | EMSOFT | International Workshop on Embedded Systems | 1999-2010 | 344 | 4533 | 13.18 |
221 | CASES | Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems | 1998-2010 | 404 | 4432 | 10.97 |
222 | ECRTS | Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems | 1989-2011 | 694 | 7408 | 10.67 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
223 | ISMB | Intelligent Systems in Molecular Biology | 1993-2010 | 795 | 27041 | 34.01 |
224 | Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing | 1983-2011 | 791 | 15658 | 19.8 | |
225 | RECOMB | Research in Computational Molecular Biology | 1997-2011 | 883 | 13583 | 15.38 |
226 | CMSB | Computational Methods in Systems Biology | 2003-2010 | 161 | 1623 | 10.08 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
227 | CSCL | Computer Support for Collaborative Learning | 1966-2011 | 216 | 3971 | 18.38 |
228 | AIED | Artificial Intelligence in Education | 1987-2013 | 799 | 9632 | 12.06 |
Name | Publication Years | Publication Count | Citation Count | Average Citations per Paper | ||
229 | POPL | ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages | 1973-2011 | 1279 | 69675 | 54.48 |
230 | PLDI | SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation | 1979-2010 | 473 | 17099 | 36.15 |
231 | AOSD | Aspect-Oriented Software Development | 2000-2011 | 347 | 7775 | 22.41 |
232 | ESOP | European Symposium on Programming | 1986-2014 | 576 | 10507 | 18.24 |
233 | ICFP | International Conference on Functional Programming | 1996-2013 | 363 | 5426 | 14.95 |
234 | INRIA | INRIA | 1964-2010 | 289 | 4146 | 14.35 |
235 | CC | Compiler Construction | 1974-2011 | 492 | 6598 | 13.41 |
236 | CGO | Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization | 2003-2012 | 278 | 3706 | 13.33 |
237 | ICLP(JICSLP) | International Conference on Logic Programming/Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming | 1982-2012 | 1517 | 19121 | 12.6 |
238 | CP | Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming | 1993-2014 | 1246 | 15243 | 12.23 |
239 | PEPM | Partial Evaluation and Semantic-Based Program Manipulation | 1991-2012 | 304 | 3362 | 11.06 |
240 | MPC | Mathematics of Program Construction | 1989-2010 | 220 | 2390 | 10.86 |
241 | WOSP | Workshop on Software and Performance | 1998-2010 | 231 | 2478 | 10.73 |
242 | ICPC | International Conference on Program Comprehension | 1993-2011 | 633 | 6557 | 10.36 |
243 | COORDINATION | Coordination Models and Languages | 1996-2010 | 295 | 2981 | 10.11 |